Tag Archive for: Safety

Using Fireworks Safely

Celebrate our nation’s birthday without injuries. Remember these safety tips to have a fun, safe celebration with fireworks. Firework’s safety is important on every street across America and with these tips you can be the expert on your own.

At Conrey Insurance we want to insure that you know what the risks are of using fireworks and make sure you have a safe 4th of July. To speak with a member of the Conrey Team, call (877) 450-1872 or contact us and experience The Conrey Difference for yourself.

Common Exposures of Ride-sharing Apps

While the popularity of ride-sharing apps is increasing, so is the host of risks associated with using them. This article mentions the common exposures of ride-sharing apps as well as safety tips for passengers. If you commonly use ride-sharing apps or know people who do, this article provides insight on how to have the best experience possible.

At Conrey Insurance we want to insure that you know what the risks are of using ride-sharing apps like Uber and Lyft. To speak with a member of the Conrey Team, call (877) 450-1872 or contact us and experience The Conrey Difference for yourself.

Avoid a Wardrobe Malfunction This Holiday Season

During the holidays, time is short and quick decisions are made regarding all things – including what you are going to wear to any given holiday gathering. You want to leave an impression, but certainly not a bad one or one that endangers you or those around you!

  • Make sure that new outfits actually do fit. Although you are trying to make an impression, if your pants are too long and haven’t been hemmed properly, you can end up tripping, seriously hurting yourself, and truly impacting your holiday season.
  • Be careful about holiday trim on seasonal outfits – some of these materials are flammable. Being the life of the party could take on a whole new meaning if you pass by a lit candle and you are the one who is actually lit.
  • Bring an extra pair of shoes. Many of us fall victim to the “10-minute shoes” – The phenomenally fashionable footwear that looks festive but feels like the handiwork of a fascist. It is wise to have an optional pair to change in to so you can enjoy the entire holiday event.
  • Determine the dress code for a particular event prior to attending. Often your idea of the appropriate attire is completely different than the intended thoughts of the host or hostess and your entire experience can be affected by the fact that you are wearing jeans to a formal affair even though you might be the most comfortable person in the room!

We at Conrey Insurance Brokers offer these helpful hints as a means of keeping you safe during the holidays when things can be hectic. We know how hard you have worked and how difficult it can be to dress for success safely keeping the holiday hazards at bay! Call us at 1-877-450-1872 or contact us here, and experience The Conrey Difference for yourself!

Happy Holidays to one and all.

As Daylight Savings Comes to an End, Put That Extra Hour to Good Use

Soon, we will be setting the clocks back by one hour signaling the end of daylight savings time. Though most will be excited for the extra hour of sleep, falling back provides an opportunity to get a few extra tasks done around the house in preparation for shorter, colder days and nights. Here are a few easy but important tips for using that extra hour of time:

Light Your Walkways

As it becomes dark sooner, it will be important that outdoor lights are in working order. This will not only prevent you from fumbling with your keys but will also reduce your likelihood of tripping and help improve your overall safety and visibility. If your bulbs are burnt out, simply replace them with new ones, and if your walkway is lacking in light, you may consider purchasing simple pathway lights such as these.

Check Your CO₂ and Smoke Detectors

Checking the batteries in your CO₂ and smoke detectors only take a few minutes, yet can be a lifesaver. It’s recommended that the batteries are changed twice a year; the beginning and end of daylight savings make great markers.

Maintain Your Car

Make sure that headlights and windshield wipers are in working order, as fall back means that you may find yourself driving in the dark more often. Though rain is relatively rare in California, it may be slightly rainier in the fall and winter months, so it is worthwhile to make sure your windshield wipers work well.

Stock Up on Common Medications

With cold and flu season fast approaching, it is important that you stock up on medications for common illnesses. Nobody wants to leave the house to buy medicine while they are sick, so it is easier and more convenient to grab some before it becomes a problem and have it on hand for emergencies.

Prevent Negligence; Check Up on Vents and Appliances

Dirty filters, vents, and coils can create fire hazards, yet they only take a few minutes to clean and check. You can use your vacuum wand to clean dust from the coils of your fridge (you can use this guide if you’ve never done it before). You should also inspect heating and AC filters and replace them if needed, and take the opportunity to look at your vacuum and water filters. Finally, we recommend you vacuum your dryer’s filters and vents in order to prevent fires caused by built up deposits of lint.

Here at Conrey Insurance Brokers, we believe that prevention is as important as proper protection. Insurance may not cover claims made as a result of negligence or improper maintenance, so doing your part to maintain a safe environment is important. Maybe we should start a new trend and remind everyone also to do an insurance coverage check-up as part of their fall back routine. We’re always here to help, so call us at 1-877-450-1872 or contact us here, and experience The Conrey Difference for yourself!

Leave the Scares to the Movies: Protect Yourself on Halloween

Halloween is the season for scares, however, most people would rather be scared by decorations, haunted houses, and movies than by liability. When you leave your lights on during Halloween night, trick-or-treaters become invited guests, meaning you may be liable for any injuries sustained while on your property. That doesn’t mean you need to stop welcoming costumed kids for candy; you simply need to take a few steps to childproof your house and limit your risks. Here are a few simple things to do to provide a safe environment on Halloween:

  • Keep Walkways Clear – by clearing walkways of toys, decorations, and other tripping hazards, you create a safer environment for trick-or-treaters.
  • Don’t Let the Dogs Out – no matter how sweet, dogs can easily become overwhelmed by a large number of strangers passing through. Combined with young children that often have poor judgment around animals, dogs are better kept restrained.
  • Water Hazards – pools, spas, and ponds can become drowning hazards, particularly after dusk. Make sure bodies of water are closed off, covered, or visibly marked.
  • Help Guests Make Responsible Choices – if you are serving alcohol at a Halloween party, do not let visibly intoxicated guests drive themselves.
  • Make Sure Your Yard is Well Lit – making sure that your yard is well lit will help ensure that many hazards are highlighted and able to be avoided.

At Conrey Insurance Brokers, we remember the joy that comes from trick-or-treating, candy, and dressing up. We strive to continue these good memories for the next generation; that’s The Conrey Difference. You don’t need a holiday to make sure you’re properly protected. We can review your coverage any time of year. Call us at 1-877-450-1872 or contact us here, and experience the Conrey Difference for yourself.