
Risk Insight: Reduce Your Exposures During Work Events

Throughout the year your company might hold different events for various reasons. In the Winter  Companies big and small host Holiday parties for their hard-working employees. These guidelines will help make sure that your company and its employees have both a fun and safe holiday event.

At Conrey Insurance we want to ensure that you are covered in any instance, including during your work events. To speak with a member of the Conrey Team, call (877) 450-1872 or contact us and experience The Conrey Difference for yourself

Umbrella Insurance for Your Business

To assist with the financial burden of a claim, many business owners are electing to purchase commercial umbrella insurance on top of their standard commercial general liability (CGL) Insurance policies. An aggregate limit is established on most CGL policies that, once exhausted, will not cover any other excess claims. When this limit is reached umbrella insurance will step in and help cover your business. This document helps you learn more about how umbrella insurance can help protect your business when there is a claim.

At Conrey Insurance we want to ensure that you are covered in any instance, including if you have a claim. To speak with a member of the Conrey Team, call (877) 450-1872 or contact us and experience The Conrey Difference for yourself.

What You Should Know About Flood Insurance

In the world of Insurance there is a variety of coverage choices that you need to consider. You might not think that  Flood Insurance is important for your Business, however flooding can take place anywhere. This document shares some insight on flooding and how it might arise in your Business.

At Conrey Insurance we want to ensure that you are covered in any instance, including if you have a flood loss. To speak with a member of the Conrey Team, call (877) 450-1872 or contact us and experience The Conrey Difference for yourself.

The Importance of Cyber Insurance

When cyber attacks like data breaches and hacks occur, they can have devastating results. Organizations have to deal with countless headaches, like business disruptions, lost revenue and litigation. Cyber liability insurance is now an essential component of any business’s risk management program as it provides a number of unique benefits. Watch this video to learn more.

At Conrey Insurance we want to ensure that you are covered in any instance, including if you have cyber attack. To speak with a member of the Conrey Team, call (877) 450-1872 or contact us and experience The Conrey Difference for yourself.

Cyber Criminals: Who They Are and What Motivates Them

Whether you process payments or store sensitive customer data, chances are cyber criminals have already placed a target on your organization. And while we often think cyber criminals are bunkered up in some basement, the truth is that attackers are much more sophisticated. This video examines the most common threats to a business, detailing the types of cyber criminals and what they’re after.

At Conrey Insurance we want to ensure that you know the dangers of cyber criminals. To speak with a member of the Conrey Team, call (877) 450-1872 or contact us and experience The Conrey Difference for yourself.

Protecting Your Business From a Data Breach

Even the most secure organizations are at risk of a data breach. It can often take days or even months for a company to discover its data has been compromised. And, when it comes to preventing or responding to a data breach, having a plan and security measures in place is crucial. This video examines some key data security strategies to ensure your organization is doing all it can to protect itself from cyber criminals.

At Conrey Insurance we want to ensure that you know the risks of a data breach. To speak with a member of the Conrey Team, call (877) 450-1872 or contact us and experience The Conrey Difference for yourself.

Cyber Liability: What’s at Risk & What It’ll Cost You

When most people think about Cyber Attacks they think of the loss in data that is associated with those attacks. Unfortunately most people do not think about the monetary loss that can be associated with a breach and what it can take to recover from these attacks. According to industry experts, the average cost of a data breach is nearly $6 million. And while many organizations understand the importance of preparing for a breach, few understand what it could cost to recover from an attack and what cyber criminals might be after. This Video will show you some of the costs associated with a Cyber Attack.

At Conrey Insurance we want to ensure that you know the costs associated with a Cyber Attack. To speak with a member of the Conrey Team, call (877) 450-1872 or contact us and experience The Conrey Difference for yourself.

Commercial Wildfire Checklist

Knowing what to do in the case of a wildfire is just as important for Businesses as it is for Homeowners. Having the process of what to do Before, During, and After a wildfire is an important tool for Businesses that are both Large and Small. Here is a checklist for business owners to reference to see what should be done before, during and after a wildfire.

At Conrey Insurance we want to ensure that your Business is protected from the devastation that can take place during wildfire season. To speak with a member of the Conrey Team, call (877) 450-1872 or contact us and experience The Conrey Difference for yourself.

Planning for Success: Are you Ready?


As business owners, we’re always striving to grow our business and make it the best it can be. Whether you are managing sales, incoming calls, figuring out future goals, it really is always being one step ahead. What happens when you’ve reached all of your goals? You make new ones. In this article it shows you how to plan for your businesses succession, and in detail goes through how to make sure your business stays successful beyond your time. Read the article here.

Heat Illness | A Detailed Explanation of an Employer’s Legal Responsibility

Are you aware of OSHA and state regulations regarding an employer’s responsibility to protect employees from heat illness?

It is often said a business is only as good as the people it has working for it. That is why it is important on hot days, like the ones we are currently experiencing, employers protect their employees from heat illness. Not only is it good for employee morale, and can help limit your liability to legal judgments, it is the law in the state of California.

Under California state employment regulations, if you employ workers who work outside in the industries of agriculture, construction, landscaping, oil and gas extraction, or the transportation or delivery of agricultural products, construction materials or other heavy materials or goods, you are required to take certain measures to ensure your employees’ well being.

The regulations apply to all employers with outdoor places of employment, although certain industries must follow additional “high heat” procedures when the temperature reaches or exceeds 95 degrees Fahrenheit. The state interprets “outdoor places of employment” to include any open area, including fields, forests, parks, yards, roads, construction sites, and outdoor areas adjacent to buildings, such as loading docks.

Sheds and temporary structures may be considered outdoor places of employment depending on whether the structure decreases the risk of heat illness. If the structure does not significantly reduce the net effect of the environmental risk factors for heat illness, the state would consider it an “outdoor place of employment.” The state has taken the position that employees who spend any significant amount of time working outside would create an outdoor place of employment.

Employers must provide the following accommodations to their employees on days which reach 85 degrees or higher:

  • Convenient access to enough cool water for each employee to consume at least one quart per hour. This must be done at no expense to the employee. This can be accomplished by providing water fountains that dispense cool water, a water cooler with cups, or bottled water in a fridge or ice chest.
  • Employers must provide access to shade for employees. It must be open to the air, or have air conditioning if enclosed, and provide enough room for at least 25% of your workforce to rest comfortably without crowding each other.
  • Management must be trained to spot symptoms of heat illness and procedures for prompt access to medical attention must be in place.
  • It is the responsibility of the employer to monitor weather conditions and prepare accordingly for days that will reach 85 degrees or higher.

The state mandates that employers must develop additional protocols to address heat at or above 95 degrees Fahrenheit. These protocols include:

  • Ensuring that effective communication by voice, observation, or reliable electronic means (e.g., cell phone) is maintained so that employees at the work site can contact a supervisor when necessary.
  • Observing employees for alertness and signs or symptoms of heat illness.
  • Reminding employees throughout the work shift to drink plenty of water.
  • Closely supervising any new employee for the first 14 days of employment, unless the new employee indicates at the time of hire that he or she has been doing similar outdoor work for at least 10 of the past 30 days for 4 or more hours per day.

Below is a chart that outlines the most common heat related illness issues, their symptoms, and recommended first aid steps.

To comply with the regulations, Conrey Insurance Brokers recommends that employers should take four essential steps:

Develop and implement written procedures for addressing heat illness prevention.

  • Train employees and supervisors.
  • Provide adequate water.
  • Provide adequate shade.

As experienced risk managers it is our responsibility to educate our clients on operational best practices to help limit their exposure to potential liability. We share a vested interest in the profitability and success of your operations.

Conrey Insurance Brokers is a concierge-style insurance and financial services agency. We can assist in the proper protection of both personal and business needs. We don’t just sell insurance policies, we partner with our clients to put them in a position to succeed.

If interested in learning how Conrey Insurance Brokers sets itself apart from the typical insurance agency, call us at 1-877-450-1872 or go to our website.