Tag Archive for: conrey top performer

We’re Ready To Share Our View With You.

Whether you call it a “new look”, a “face lift” or a “fresh perspective”, Conrey Insurance Brokers and Risk Managers has finally made the Herculean effort to redo our entire website so that we can demonstrate the #Conrey Difference. Many months of thought, copy writing, photo selection and heart have gone into creating a website that communicates what makes our company different.


WE GET IT. We know that when you were young, you were filled with dreams and aspirations that led to your success. We know that your possessions are not just “stuff”… they are representative of all of your hard work and sweat equity. That is why the pages of our new website are covered with little people playing, pretending, practicing to determine their future roles and responsibilities. It all started with a dream.


WHY DO WE GET IT? Because we started from the ground up… just like you. That’s why we are familiar with the pitfalls and we understand the pride. We are not just going to quote you the cheapest price for the insurance product that brought you to us in the first place. We are going to make sure that you are cared for and properly covered at a competitive price.


They say it is all about the journey, and that is true – in part – so that is why you should journey through our new website. If you are an existing client, you will understand immediately why we needed to make the change. If you are new to us, it will become clear, quite quickly, who we are and what we stand for.

You can even take a tour of the site with Jerry, himself [link to pop-up]. He’ll show you around. Check out the videos, listen to the testimonials.


No matter how you look at it, the Conrey difference is quite compelling…

Team Members Exemplify Extra Effort

There are many reasons for the success of any business. Hard work, attention to detail, honesty and integrity are just a few of the assets that come together to create an environment of productivity and positivity. At Conrey Insurance Brokers, the management not only encourages these particular aspects within their employees, but they recognize those individuals who display them on a regular basis.

Christine Campbell, the producer who specializes in writing coverage for non-profit entities was named as Player of the Month for January, 2018. She is very dedicated to making certain that these businesses are adequately covered at competitive rates so that none of the funds that have been donated to a worthy cause are being diverted away from their primary purpose of helping those in need.

When asked about having been honored with this recognition, Christine said, “I was pleased to be recognized since the all of the staff here do such a wonderful job. Everyone really deserves an award.”

Alex Muolo was recognized as the Player of the Year for 2017. This is a tremendous honor. Alex is the only person in the agency who handles both personal and commercial insurance – which means that he has to be extremely knowledgeable about many types of coverage. Jerry Conrey, Agency Principal, has even received written communication from clients who have worked with Alex, stating how professionally he handles transactions and insurance placements.  In his own words, Alex is grateful for the opportunities he is given at Conrey Insurance Brokers. “I am very excited to be named Player of the Year. I am at an organization that is helping me grow in my knowledge of insurance and providing me with mentors to help guide my growth.”

David Aloyan has been named as the Manager of the Year for 2017. Having been with Conrey Insurance Brokers and Risk Managers for a while now, he manages the Personal Lines Department and interacts with many of the Private Clients (High Wealth Individuals) who work with Conrey Insurance Brokers. David is well versed in financial matters…  He is also a part-time Finance Professor at some of the local private colleges in the area. When asked about receiving the award, David stated, “I am very appreciative of the award, as it serves as validation of the results I have produced for the brokerage over the past 4 years.”

There is a bell in the Conrey Insurance Brokers office that is rung when something very positive happens in the agency. Christine, Alex and David are quite often the reason for that bell to sound! This company is always looking for ways to excel and help its clients and employees succeed. Kudos to these three for great work and dedication to jobs done well!